Startgate in Costa Rica

Tune in and be young.

3 minute intro abou Youthing and the week long retreat.

During Friday’s livestream Alcazar talks about the importance of listening to the talk and meditations in order. These energies build upon each other. Start with Friday and follow each in order.

Friday June 28th

Galactic Frequencies for Youthing • The Costa Rica 2024 Stargate Retreat (

Sunday, June 30th at 10am PT

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise • The Costa Rica 2024 Stargate Retreat (

To sign up for the full week of live streams: Costa Rica 2024 – The Stargate Experience (

Gratitude Mantra

I created this as I was reflecting on my life’s journey, purpose and joy. It all started from me. I then continued reflecting upon layers around me. I came to the highest layer of this life and decided that was the place to start. I focused love and gratitude into each layer before descending into the next. Pause, reflection and filling each layer with love is most important here.

Note: “World” is used to encapsulate everything. All things that I can and cannot see. What truly exists out there? How many universes and galaxies are there? Are they continually being created? What have I/we yet to discover? What about dimensions of galaxies? I begin at the highest conceivable level of all and everything, given gratitude and love, then move to the next level.

I love my world
I love the universe
I love the planet earth
I love all the inhabitants on earth
I love my family

Most of all I love me!

Pause, and feel the strength after each line. Most of all, give significant pause after the last line. Feel love inside your body. Sense your body’s energy. Sometimes it’s warm, sometimes its soft, sometimes I want to cuddle with myself. How does it feel for you?

Remember, the love you have for yourself is the maximum amount of love you have to share with another. Grow self-love stronger each day so that you can love others stronger everyday.

Garden Toxicity

In order to give your veggies the best nutrient content do this:

  • Put Selenite in the soil
  • Use Quartz Crystals throughout your garden
  • Place Obsidian rocks in your garden

Julius gives details about how to grow garden veggies for high nutrient content.

You want to make sure that you have selenite in the soil. Selenite will clean and clear all toxicities in the soil.

What is Selenite? (

And then you also want quartz crystals in your garden. They will also draw out toxicities and help with the clearing of the toxins your in your atmosphere.

Same with obsidian.

Other Notes:

Add wind chimes or bells near your garden. The sounds will stimulate the plants and bring good vibrations to the land.

More about selenium: Interaction between selenium and soil – selenium bioavailability: ScienceDirect

Read what Tamara Rubin had done at home to make their urban garden are Lead-safe!

The Sacred Feminine says “Slow Down”

I once wrote on a scrap paper “Slow down”. It was very profound for me at the time because I was hustling here and there.

It came to me because I was running around trying to get things done and I bumped into my bookshelf. It kind of hurt. But specifically I knocked over many things on the shelf. I was thinking, ‘Hey, I need to be more careful!’ Why do I care about all these things anyways?

I realized I didn’t need to be doing so many things. This is simply my default behavior. I have a lot of irons in the fire. When I wrote the reminder ‘Slow Down’, I put it on my shelf.

A week later, I caught myself doing the same thing. I was running around I didn’t know which way was forward. I remembered my scrap paper and decided I needed a bigger reminder. This time I used my label maker to print a small sign so that I could attach it to the inside of my door. That way when ever I left my room, I would see it and remember– is it important?

Misa talks about slowing down to honor your sacred feminine. Everybody has masculine and feminine qualities. This has nothing to do with sexual preference or gender. The feminine can also be associated with art and music.

There’s so much to discover about balancing these two halves — feminine and masculine.

The Quantum Merge: Solar Plexus Chakra Integration

The energy focus at this level is all about personal presence and power.  We will explore this together to develop an enhanced understanding of standing in presence, in your soul’s light – healed of the wounds and restrictions that limit this marvellous expression of your expanding potential.  It is time to accept and embody this power – a foundation for the compassionate expression of your soul’s design. 

See the video here.



Greetings, Dear Ones,

We come together, once again, on this journey through crystalline integration.  You see, Dear Ones, the essence of this specific transmission is an illumination of healed power.  Within the solar plexus aspect of the human energy structure is a seat of radiant power.  It is a place of will, of fire, of ignited intent.

Through the sojourns of human experience it is easy to understand the various distortions or imbalances of energy that can occur through the over, under and inappropriate expression of this energy of this fire or will.  Every member of humanity has experienced, actively and passively, the outcome of such distortions.

As we journey forward through the integrative experience of the ascension process, the energy in this centre requires attention and healing that is very specific to the release of consciousness patterns that hold the energy paradigm of historical moments in place.  We invite you to imagine the perfect expression of personal power that awaits humanity.

As we move forward in the energetic expansion and integration, the healing of this centre will be essential for the establishment of a balanced power and free individual expression, so that each soul may come equipped to illumine the world through the expression of their spirit in the world of form, unencumbered by these historical patterns.  Perhaps these sound like magical words, but indeed we express to you the nature of what is occurring and what is at hand.

You see, Dear Ones, as you learn to express, in perfect balance and equanimity, your power and your playfulness, your joy and your spiritual expression, unencumbered by the restrictions or enhanced expressions of zeal that is contained within the wounds of this space.

Imagine every human being, present, empowered, in luminosity, in wisdom, and poised with the magic of the heart, holding a space for perfect expression that is unique to that soul on the planet.

Too good to be true?  Not so, for this is indeed your destiny.  You see, Dear Ones, as you move forward into the journey of Ascension, and the energy of the future, this will become human nature.  It will be expressed more perfectly and more powerfully with every passing second, day, month, and year.

Imagine a humanity that lives, poised, in this vibration, and you’ll begin to understand how conflicts are resolved, and how peace is sustained.  

In this transmission, there is an incredible bestowal of energy, a gift of grace.  But the gift is not from us – the gift is from Source, for each one of you is directly connected through your own higher self and I Am presence with the Divine Creator light.  This light is an enhancement of your energy system to help bring you forward into the magic of that which we describe.

Be patient with yourself, and with each other, through the process of these integrative times, for you will come to understand, not in logic, or in words, but in experience, the power of this healed state.  See fully the grace delivered by your own higher self expression and allow yourself to revel in safety and in security, knowing that all is well and the time is at hand.

May you be blessed in a million ways, and may you bless in a million ways, as you move forward in the human journey of Ascension.

And as we prepare to take leave in this moment, we remind you, as we always do, that you are not alone, and you see that together, through the light of the Eternal Sun, we are with you, we are with you, for indeed, we are one.

More at Unity Field Healing

Love as a Wolf

My recent trip to the Wolf Sanctuary gave me a view into love and the complexities therein. Comparing love to the fear of being in the same cage of wolf, let along interacting with such a complex creature.

Are wolves to be feared? Is love to be feared? Why do so many people in today’s society fear both of these things? I see many people in my reality who are blind to love. People want to love them, yet they push away the love. Or perhaps they want love so much they scare away love.

Let’s take a look at love as if it were a wolf.

Wolf looking at you

One must learn about the wolf before approaching it.

Understand that you are about to approach an extremely powerful creature. Powerful in the sense that it can rip you into shreds. But it can also be a friend and companion. Which do you choose?

Even with a hint of desire to be a friend to the wolf, you can begin to approach it.

You approach with caution. What do you see, what do you sense, smell? Take two steps forward and one step back. Just to see what happens.

That went well. The wolf approached just the same. Seemingly with optimistic caution.

The wolf is near. It’s now in arms reach. What do you do next? Are you able to make the next move?

Hand to back. You’ve successfully pet the wolf. That’s a big step!

But wait, it can bite off your hand. So pet gently.

Let’s be honest, there’s a keeper here at the Wolf Sanctuary who knows the wolf, it’s probably not going to kill you.

But you still don’t know the wolf. What if you scratch the wrong spot? What if you move your hand funny and it runs away.

Enjoy the success you’ve made thus far.

You are well on your way to making friends with the wolf. Still proceed with caution. It will take some time before you can feed the wolf a fatty steak and keep your hand. It’s part of the process. Enjoy the process. Enjoy each step.

Remember this is about love. Whether this is with a romantic partner, a new friend, or a stranger in the world. You have the ability to be successful with love.

Each person will accept love in a different way. You don’t know their history or triggers. Be gentle. Maybe they will be guarded at the sight of love. Two steps forward and one step back.

You can do this.

Stillness and Reflection to Bring Peace

Stillness and reflection are important parts of the day. Many do not make time for this.

Stillness: make time to slow down from the day’s events. Sit in a comfortable spot and just be. Try and clear the mind like in meditation. Listen to what is happening around you, then release it.

Sun reflecting on the ocean

Reflection: it is important to see the world for what it is. When you are fully immersed in it you cannot reflect upon what happened.

All of this should bring peace to yourself — if one is generally comfortable with self.

However, stillness can feel like chaos. The chaos is a reflection of the internal self.

One can work to be comfortable with self. When this occurs peace is a possible result of stillness.

Sirian Blue White Collective

Blue White is the color of high mastery in the spirit world, or so I suspect from reading various material.

I don’t know how I came about this channeling, however it seems important. The messages are read, I suppose after the channeling. Full text is available to read the message on the website.

After you have read the material about 2024: The Quantum Merge, check out this meditation.