9 Days of Clearing

Day one changed my mind! Day 2 was good. Day 3 was a bit more difficult. 6 days to go…

Where are your thoughts? Do you check in. Are you in the positive? Negative? Now is the time to switch thoughts into the positive. For negative thoughts, meet them in a neutral space. Give compassion and empathy, then transform the thoughts into positive.

Specifically Day 1,2,3 check in every three hours. Start at 10am Eastern time, (…1pm, 4pm, 7pm…) set your alarm every three hours so you are reminded. Then check in with your thoughts.

At the time you are alerted, take a deep dive into your thoughts and emotions. Sit in meditation for a few minutes (say 10 mins), feel the thoughts, then meet then in neutrality. Transmute negative thoughts. Feel joy, happiness, love. Put positive thoughts into your physical body. Feel the vibration change.

Day 4, 5, 6 check in at 2 hour intervals. This practice is forming a blueprint of switching your reality into a positive reality. Again, turn on your phone alarm starting at 10am, every two hours.

Marina posted a 10 min meditation that teaches the framework of working these feelings into the physical body.

Day 7, 8, 9 check in at 1 hour intervals. This makes clear your dedication to changing your vibration. Be compassionate with yourself you can raise your vibration! For more information about the 9 day process, Marina goes into detail in a 1 hour web cast. Most of the information is in the first 20 mins.

Enjoy the new vibrations! Recommend post 9 days: an advanced meditation of expanding your reality.