Starting Dec 1st, Marilyn will start a LOVE rEVOLution. This is based on pure love and spreading that vibration to others. Our society general increases the spreading of peace and love during the month of December. These messages may encourage you to take it to the next level.
Dec 1st Today is a wonder welcome of love energy.
Dec 2nd A story of a man helping another man when one was down and the other had little to give.
Dec 3rd. Do you see others as different than you? By class, by color, by status quo? Do not look at others as different, there is no separation. Change yourself from judgement. In the end you will be judging yourself. Living without judgement can transform more than you know.
Dec 4th, Learn to know thy self. Know yourself better than anyone. Know the light and the dark sides, both with compassion.
Dec 5th, Children can find joy in anything, can you? Laughter is the best medicine. Separate ego from all things. Simply live laugh love. Find laughter at the wonder of life. Maybe children find joy because it’s the first time they have encountered that thing. Can you experience something as it was the first time you saw it?
Dec 6th A powerful session you’ll have to experience for yourself.
Dec 7th The Lord’s Prayer. A very famous prayer with a twist, perhaps more to the intention of the message? You be the judge.
Our father, who aren’t in heaven, divine mother, holy father, God, my true source of all that is within me. I honor you knowing that you are a part of me and all things around me. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. I’m thankful for your teaching that help me live on earth just as I’m living in your love and beauty. Thank you. Thank you for helping me create heaven on earth. Give us this day our daily bread. I am deeply grateful to be cared for, provided for and all my earthly needs are more than met. And forgive our debts or trespassers as we forgive our debtors or those who trespass against us. Please help me to learn, grow, to love and forgive myself, as well as all others of any perceived wrong doings. I know all are in my life so I can learn the true meaning of forgiveness as you have taught me. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Teach me as I am a willing student to learn to honor, to love and to be compassionate for all living things as we are all learning together. I am learning to live beyond my own believed shortcomings. To follow the teachings of love that was originally created within me. Thy is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. As you are the power, divine mother and holy father, God, you have also empowered me to create a kingdom on earth of love that was your original intention. I will be grateful to fill my heart with glory, for within you I am, and within me you are forever and ever. Amen.