Recognizing True Love

Dr. Demartini compares “Puppy Love” to “True Love”. In short, puppy love is infatuation of the other person or tunnel vision. When someone looks up to the other and sees only their positive sides. The thing to reflect upon is True Love. True love is where you see the ‘down’ sides along with the positive sides. The key is that you choose to love both and all aspects of this person.

There are certain caveats or traps that will promote puppy love over true love. Watch out for these pitfalls and realize where they come up. Check out the blog Recognizing Love in its Many Forms – Demartini Blog (

Happy New Year

Are you ready for all the changes coming? Are you ready to move into the positive and let the negative go behind you.

Expand with Julius show held on December 31st 2021 was a great re-cap of where we have been and where we can go. Starting with crypto currencies, moving into releasing the negative dialog to better move along our own path. There are many themes here that will empower us.

Join January 23rd 2022 for a free activation. If you can’t make it there will be a replay available. The activation is specifically designed to bring energy to those feeling detached or feeling lost.