Startgate in Costa Rica

Tune in and be young.

3 minute intro abou Youthing and the week long retreat.

During Friday’s livestream Alcazar talks about the importance of listening to the talk and meditations in order. These energies build upon each other. Start with Friday and follow each in order.

Friday June 28th

Galactic Frequencies for Youthing • The Costa Rica 2024 Stargate Retreat (

Sunday, June 30th at 10am PT

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise • The Costa Rica 2024 Stargate Retreat (

To sign up for the full week of live streams: Costa Rica 2024 – The Stargate Experience (

The Quantum Merge: Solar Plexus Chakra Integration

The energy focus at this level is all about personal presence and power.  We will explore this together to develop an enhanced understanding of standing in presence, in your soul’s light – healed of the wounds and restrictions that limit this marvellous expression of your expanding potential.  It is time to accept and embody this power – a foundation for the compassionate expression of your soul’s design. 

See the video here.



Greetings, Dear Ones,

We come together, once again, on this journey through crystalline integration.  You see, Dear Ones, the essence of this specific transmission is an illumination of healed power.  Within the solar plexus aspect of the human energy structure is a seat of radiant power.  It is a place of will, of fire, of ignited intent.

Through the sojourns of human experience it is easy to understand the various distortions or imbalances of energy that can occur through the over, under and inappropriate expression of this energy of this fire or will.  Every member of humanity has experienced, actively and passively, the outcome of such distortions.

As we journey forward through the integrative experience of the ascension process, the energy in this centre requires attention and healing that is very specific to the release of consciousness patterns that hold the energy paradigm of historical moments in place.  We invite you to imagine the perfect expression of personal power that awaits humanity.

As we move forward in the energetic expansion and integration, the healing of this centre will be essential for the establishment of a balanced power and free individual expression, so that each soul may come equipped to illumine the world through the expression of their spirit in the world of form, unencumbered by these historical patterns.  Perhaps these sound like magical words, but indeed we express to you the nature of what is occurring and what is at hand.

You see, Dear Ones, as you learn to express, in perfect balance and equanimity, your power and your playfulness, your joy and your spiritual expression, unencumbered by the restrictions or enhanced expressions of zeal that is contained within the wounds of this space.

Imagine every human being, present, empowered, in luminosity, in wisdom, and poised with the magic of the heart, holding a space for perfect expression that is unique to that soul on the planet.

Too good to be true?  Not so, for this is indeed your destiny.  You see, Dear Ones, as you move forward into the journey of Ascension, and the energy of the future, this will become human nature.  It will be expressed more perfectly and more powerfully with every passing second, day, month, and year.

Imagine a humanity that lives, poised, in this vibration, and you’ll begin to understand how conflicts are resolved, and how peace is sustained.  

In this transmission, there is an incredible bestowal of energy, a gift of grace.  But the gift is not from us – the gift is from Source, for each one of you is directly connected through your own higher self and I Am presence with the Divine Creator light.  This light is an enhancement of your energy system to help bring you forward into the magic of that which we describe.

Be patient with yourself, and with each other, through the process of these integrative times, for you will come to understand, not in logic, or in words, but in experience, the power of this healed state.  See fully the grace delivered by your own higher self expression and allow yourself to revel in safety and in security, knowing that all is well and the time is at hand.

May you be blessed in a million ways, and may you bless in a million ways, as you move forward in the human journey of Ascension.

And as we prepare to take leave in this moment, we remind you, as we always do, that you are not alone, and you see that together, through the light of the Eternal Sun, we are with you, we are with you, for indeed, we are one.

More at Unity Field Healing

What to do when you are stuck

Abraham Hicks has a couple good quotables in her recent video about being stuck.

“If you make peace with where you are, you’ll get to where you want to be faster.” By being happy where you are, you’ll close the gap to where you want to go.

“Reach for feelings in order to choose the thoughts.” Not the other way around.

“Your perusal through the data of your life actually causes a launching of desires that the non physical part of your instantaneously becomes.”

Listen now.

Talking to the other side

Tina Powers is a professional medium. She didn’t start there. She started as a news caster, as you will learn in the interview. A very light hearted chat about the beginnings of Tina’s career, I think you’ll find this a good listen.

Those who aren’t sure what a medium is or are unsure how it works. This is the video for you! Tune in to “Beginnings, a compelling live TV show hosted by Lee Carroll.

Sending and Receiving Love

Kryon is a long time channel. Every first Wednesday, there is a free channel to all. The free Wednesday link is here.

The Month of February was a powerful message of Love!

But before we begin, a question was answered, and a very important topic to many of you. The question is about living with a family who do not believe in esoterics?

Moving into the channel of Kryon. Seriously my favorite statement about joy and laughter: “It disarms fear and hate and anxiety”. Listen more about Category 2 of love.

The last channel of Kryon starts around here. This is a meditation of crossing the bridge and meeting your soul. Its a re-occurring theme of working with the circle of 12 to find your true self.

Kryon ends with a most warming and loving statement: “I am Kryon in love with all of you. For who you are what you’ve done and what you are discovering and what’s about to happen.”

Lee and Monika interview Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen check out their book

Recognizing True Love

Dr. Demartini compares “Puppy Love” to “True Love”. In short, puppy love is infatuation of the other person or tunnel vision. When someone looks up to the other and sees only their positive sides. The thing to reflect upon is True Love. True love is where you see the ‘down’ sides along with the positive sides. The key is that you choose to love both and all aspects of this person.

There are certain caveats or traps that will promote puppy love over true love. Watch out for these pitfalls and realize where they come up. Check out the blog Recognizing Love in its Many Forms – Demartini Blog (

Happy New Year

Are you ready for all the changes coming? Are you ready to move into the positive and let the negative go behind you.

Expand with Julius show held on December 31st 2021 was a great re-cap of where we have been and where we can go. Starting with crypto currencies, moving into releasing the negative dialog to better move along our own path. There are many themes here that will empower us.

Join January 23rd 2022 for a free activation. If you can’t make it there will be a replay available. The activation is specifically designed to bring energy to those feeling detached or feeling lost.