My recent trip to the Wolf Sanctuary gave me a view into love and the complexities therein. Comparing love to the fear of being in the same cage of wolf, let along interacting with such a complex creature.
Are wolves to be feared? Is love to be feared? Why do so many people in today’s society fear both of these things? I see many people in my reality who are blind to love. People want to love them, yet they push away the love. Or perhaps they want love so much they scare away love.
Let’s take a look at love as if it were a wolf.
One must learn about the wolf before approaching it.
Understand that you are about to approach an extremely powerful creature. Powerful in the sense that it can rip you into shreds. But it can also be a friend and companion. Which do you choose?
Even with a hint of desire to be a friend to the wolf, you can begin to approach it.
You approach with caution. What do you see, what do you sense, smell? Take two steps forward and one step back. Just to see what happens.
That went well. The wolf approached just the same. Seemingly with optimistic caution.
The wolf is near. It’s now in arms reach. What do you do next? Are you able to make the next move?
Hand to back. You’ve successfully pet the wolf. That’s a big step!
But wait, it can bite off your hand. So pet gently.
Let’s be honest, there’s a keeper here at the Wolf Sanctuary who knows the wolf, it’s probably not going to kill you.
But you still don’t know the wolf. What if you scratch the wrong spot? What if you move your hand funny and it runs away.
Enjoy the success you’ve made thus far.
You are well on your way to making friends with the wolf. Still proceed with caution. It will take some time before you can feed the wolf a fatty steak and keep your hand. It’s part of the process. Enjoy the process. Enjoy each step.
Remember this is about love. Whether this is with a romantic partner, a new friend, or a stranger in the world. You have the ability to be successful with love.
Each person will accept love in a different way. You don’t know their history or triggers. Be gentle. Maybe they will be guarded at the sight of love. Two steps forward and one step back.
You can do this.